Predicate in Semantic

Predicate is an important part in a sentence. In syntax, it is clear that predicate is generally understood to be realized as a verb. Predicate is needed as grammatical structure in language. As Fillmore (1968: 23) says in “The Case For Case” that the basic structure of sentences, which is called proposition, is a tenseless set of relationship involving verbs and nouns. Here, a verb takes a role as indication in forming a sentence.
In grammatical rule, predicate has a function to define the position of an object or some relation between two or more objects. The objects concerning which a predicate asserts something are the arguments of that predicate. Concerning to the position of predicate in structure and semantics, he (ibid, 32) also states:
Verbs are subclassified according to the case environments which accept them, and the semantic characterizations of verbs relate them either to specific case elements in the environment or to elements containing features (such as animateness) introduced as obligatory accompaniments of particular cases.

It means that syntax and semantic can not be separated in a sentence because the two are interrelated. The meaning of a sentence, which is semantics, has the account of different form of the ‘same’ word (cat-cats, connect-connecting-connected, etc) which is ruled in syntax. In this case, while semantics deals with meaning, syntax deals with structure of meaning.
Soekemi (2000: 112) states that there is the basic type of sentence, namely predicate and referring expression. Argument is a reflection of referring expression. The use of predicate itself is to make the specific relation with the arguments.
            Predicate is any words or any phrases that have any function of predicator. In semantics, predicator can be: preposition, object or object phrase, adjective or adjective phrase, and noun phrase.
            This paper is started from the definition of predicate and classification of predicate, semantic role as argument, and a variety of predicator. Then, the theory will be applied by analyzing the running text taken from the Jakarta Post.

            Predicate can be defined as a part that has an important function to identify arguments in sentence, or describe the referring expression in a particular situation.
            According to Soekemi (2000: 25), “a predicate is any word (sequence of words) which can function as the predicator of a sentence”. In this case, predicator is as a central part of the analysis.
            Predicate are classified into:
1. Zero-place predicate: predicate that does not require some referent or argument in the sentence. For example: It is raining. The verb “rain” does not name anything in the subject “it”. The sentence has a subject, because English requires a subject, but this subject does not correspond anything in the sentence.
2. One-place predicate: predicate that requires in one arguments. Adjective usually one-place predicate, e.g.: happy, cool, etc. For example: She is happy. “She” is an argument and “happy” is one-place predicate which has the function as an adjective. This sentence is intransitive verbs, or it can be called one-argument predicate. Argument names an actor that carries out the action (predicate). Predicates tell what an argument did.
3. Two-place predicate: a verb or predicate with two arguments, namely as a subject and an object). For example: Jane teaches English. “Jane” is an argument as a subject in a sentence; “teaches” is two-place predicate which has the function as a verb; and “English” is an argument as an object in a sentence. Predicate is as a link between one argument as a subject and another argument as an object.
4. Three-place predicate: predicate with three arguments.
For example: the museum is between the church and the school. “The museum”, “the church”, and “the school” are arguments; and “between” is a three-predicate which has the function as preposition.
            The degree of predicate or the classification of predicate which have number of zero, one, two, or three of arguments are required when the predicate used as predicator in utterance or sentence. Therefore, predicate can be functioned as predicator. Then, predicator becomes a central part of the analysis.

            Semantic role is a part of sentence in the basic type of semantic instead of predicate. Semantic role is an argument which is played by referring expression. As Kreidler (1998: 68) states, the arguments that accompany the predicate have different semantic functions, or roles, in the proposition. Predicate has a function to identify the role of argument in producing meaning.
Soekemi (2000: 113) divides the roles played by referring expression called participant roles into:
  1. Agent: the person carrying out the action described. As example: the gardener in the gardener opened the gate
  2. Affected: the thing or the person, upon which the action is carried out. As example: the door in the gardener opened the door.
  3. Instrument: the thing by means of which the action is carried out. As example: the key in the gardener opened the gate with the key.
  4. Beneficiary: the person for whose benefit the action. As example: students in the gardener opened the gate for the students.
  5. Location: the place where the action described. As example: In campus in the gardener opened the gate for the students in the campus.
According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2003: 193-194) classify the thematic roles into:
  1. Agent, the one who performs an action.
For example: Joyce ran.
  1. Theme, the one or thing that undergoes an action.
For example: Mary found the puppy.
  1. Location, the place where an action happens.
For example: It rains in Surabaya.
  1. Goal, The place to which an action originates
For example: He flew from Singapore to Surabaya.
  1. Instrument, the means by which an action is performed.
For example: Freddie cuts hair with a razor.
  1. Experiencer, one who perceives something.
For example: Ruli heard Beni playing the guitar.
  1. Causative, a natural force that causes a change.
For example: The wind damaged the roof.
  1. Possessor, one who has something.
For example: The tail of the dog wagged furiously.

            According to Kreidler (1998: 251), there are three groups of predicates, namely:
1. Attitudinal predicates: express mental.
It means that people have about their past experiences and possible future and general feelings about likes, dislikes and preferences. Attitudinal predicate is a verb or adjective that expresses the feelings of the subject. For example: I hate this music
“Hate” is kind of expression of dislikes to something.
2. Enabling and preventing: express actions that cause something to be done, enables someone to act, or prevents someone from acting.
An enabling predicate is a verb or an adjective which tells that the following predication is made possible. For example: we allowed the car to pass. “Allowed” is an enabling predicate by using of authority. The subject “we” makes possible for something (“car”) to do something (“pass”).
A preventing predicate is a verb which states that an agent causes the non-occurrence of the predication. For example: I kept the ball from rolling away. “Kept” is a preventing predicate by using of effort.
3. Perceptual predicates: express the sensations.
It is also called “sensory verbs”, express the sensations through five hands. For example: Alice heard a funny song. “Heard” is a perceptual predicate by using sensory of ear.

               By analyzing the data which is taken from The Jakarta Post, is expected more understand about the participant role in semantics.
1.      Speculation rises about William’s future plans. “Speculation” is an argument which has the position of subject. In the role of argument, “speculation” is a role of affected because it undergoes a change in an event. “Rises” is a predicate which is telling of an event as a changing in the condition of an argument. This sentence is one-place predicate because the verb intransitive. In this case, this sentence also can be written as “speculation rises (about William’s future plans)”.
2.      I’m speaking to every individual one of you when I say you are very special people. “I” is a subject of an argument which has the role function of agent. “Speak” is a verb in predicate. It is one-place predicate because the verb “speak” is intransitive. In this case, a predicate needs an object or not. “Every individual one of you” becomes an affected in a role of argument.  “When I say you are very special people” has the function of complement in the sentence.
3.      I love the uniform. “I” is a subject of an argument which has the function as an agent. “Love” is a verb of predicate which needs an object. It is two-place predicate because there are two arguments, “I” and “the uniform”. “Love” is a kind of expression of preferences on something, called attitudinal predicate. “The uniform” as an object has the role function of affected.
4.      It is so sexy. “It” here has referent of “the uniform” in the previous sentence. “It” is a subject which has the role function of theme. “So sexy” is an adjective in the position of one-place predicate because the verb in this sentence is intransitive.
5.      This is a milestone day. “This” is a subject that does not name anything. Therefore, the predicate is categorized as zero-place predicate even though the sentence has a subject. “A milestone day” is a predicate which has the function of noun in the sentence. 
6.      The queen inspected all the new cadets. “The queen” is an agent which has the position of a subject in the sentence. “The queen” is the doer who acts something. “Inspected” is a predicate of verb which is categorized as two-place predicate because this sentence has two arguments. “All the new cadets” becomes affected in a role of the argument.

            In the discussion, the tree diagram will be drawn to get the summary from the analysis.
1. Argument                Predicate
    Affected                 event
      Speculation           rises                about William’s future plans.
2. Argument                Predicate         Argument

    Agent                      verb                 Affected

    I                               speak               every individual one of you
3. Argument                Predicate         Argument

    Agent                      Verb                Affected

      I                             love                 the uniform
4. Argument                Predicate        

    Theme                     Verb   
      It                           so sexy           
5.   Predicate  

      A milestone day
6. Argument                Predicate         Argument

    Agent                      Verb                Affected
   The queen                 inspected         all the new cadets
               From the tree diagrams above, the composition with the arguments an predicate in the six sentences are indicated in abbreviated form in order to get more understanding about predicate in semantics.
               After making the tree diagram, the summary can be drawn that the sentence have and predicate. Subject here is an argument which has many functions. Argument is as an affected if the argument undergoes a change in an event Argument is also as an agent which has the function of the doer in the sentence. Therefore, agent needs an object as the affected of the action. Then, argument is as a theme constitutes the one or thing that undergoes an action. Another part of the sentence is predicate to indicate the action (verb), event (verb), or adjective. Predicate as the action is a verb. It usually categorized into two-place predicate because of two arguments in a sentence. In this case, predicate needs the object to affect something. An object as the sufferer immediately following a main verb in predicate is often identified by the role of affected in the sentence. Predicate as an event does not need an object because the verb is intransitive in a sentence. Therefore, this predicate is categorized into one-place predicate because of one argument in the sentence. Then, predicate as an adjective is to describe on something whether it is sexy. There is also predicate that is categorized into zero-place predicate. This predicate does not require referent even though there is a subject that does name anything.

            Predicate is often found in utterance either in speaking or writing. Predicate is one of basic part in semantics that associates with referring expression or argument. Predicate has the function to identify a role that argument has in particular situation of the sentence. Predicate can be preposition, object or object phrase, adjective or adjective phrase, and noun phrase. There are four degrees in predication, namely zero-place predicate, one-place predicate, two-place predicate and three predicate. The degrees of predicate have a function to identify numbering of argument. There are also three varieties of predicate, namely attitudinal predicates, enabling and preventing predicates, and perceptual predicates. Those varieties are kinds of expression that is used in predicate.
The grammatical positions which consist of subject, object, and complement are identified as the position in the sentence. Therefore, semantics and syntax can not be separated each other. In other words, they have relationship between each other.

Fillmore, Charles J. 1998. “The case for case”, in E. Bach and R. Harms, eds, Universals in Linguistic theory (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston), 1-88.

Fromkin, Victoria, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams. 2003. An Introduction to Language. Seventh Edition. USA.

Kreidler. Charless W. 1998. Introducing English Semantics. London.
Soekemi, Kem. 2000. Semantics A Work Book Second Edition. Surabaya: UNESA University Press.

The Jakarta Post, December 20th, 2006


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