A Weird Dream
It happened so long time ago when I was a teenager and had a boyfriend that I'd never loved to. How could I be 3 years got relationship with him was a big mistake I've ever had in my life. Then, suddenly I couldn't make it stay any longer, I got this over with. It reminded me on what I dreamt on a night after I prayed to God for a good guy. In my dream, there were 3 guys looked in shadow. They were tall, rather slim, two had straight hairs, and one in the middle was a curly. A few minutes later, a curly one went ahead and seemed like closed to me. Then, I woke up, and could not get the meaning of it. But, after married, and my baby was born, I suddenly got a light on my head. I remembered about the weird dream. Yeah, this was the answer from God. Thank God for all happiness.